Michael Michael Morin Michael's FSA page Michael's Linkedin profile Michael's Academia profile Michael's Google Scholar profile Michael's Research Gate profile Michael's Semantic Scholar profile Michael's Orcid profile Email Michael

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I’m an associate professor in the Department of Operations and Decision Systems of Université Laval. My virtual home at the Faculty of Business Administration of Université Laval is Please also consider visiting my [Welcome] page.

This page contains my publications.

On this page:
[Peer-reviewed publications]
Some of the words we frequently use in the publications listed on this page (showing the wordcloud requires javascript):


In the references below, for proceedings publications, the speaker’s name is in bold.

I self-archived some of my preprints and postprints along with the references. A link to the publisher’s version is also included whenever possible.

Please contact me if you find a broken link or if a publication listed here is not easily available to you (for example through your university library).

There are currently 48 entries on this page.

Last update: November 2024.

Peer-reviewed publications

1.  Duhem, L., M. Benali, M. Morin, J. Gaudreault (2024). “A comparative study of price-driven production control methods using a sawmill simulator”. Proceedings of the 2024 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC). (accepted for publication).
  Paper: (to appear) [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ WSC’24]

2.  Payami, K., N. Lehoux, C. Cloutier, M. Morin (2024). “Planning and Scheduling of Robotic Welding Processes in the Rolling Stock Industry: A Literature Review”. Proceeding of the 7th International Conference on Logistics Operations Management, GOL’24. Vol. 1105. Lecture Notes in Networks and Systems. Springer, pp.260–270.
  Paper: [ Springer] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ GOL’24]

3.  Sexton, J.-T., M. Morin, R. Georges, F. Abasian, J. Gaudreault (2024). Wood Planer Control: Predictive and Prescriptive Approaches via Automatic State Matching Gaussian Processes. In: Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence 132, 107843.
  Paper: [ Elsevier]

4.  Tremblay, F.-A., A. Durand, M. Morin, P. Marier, J. Gaudreault (2024). Deep Reinforcement Learning for Continuous Wood Drying Production Line Control. In: Computers in industry 154, 104036.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]

5.  Chabanet, S., H. Bril El-Haouzi, M. Morin, J. Gaudreault, P. Thomas (2023). Toward digital twins for sawmill production planning and control: benefits, opportunities and challenges. In: International Journal of Production Research 61(7), 2190–2213.
  Paper: [ TandF]

6.  Martineau, V., M. Morin, J. Gaudreault, P. Thomas, H. Bril El-Haouzi, M. Khachan (2023). An Image is Worth 10,000 Points: Neural Network Architectures and Alternative Log Representations for Lumber Production Prediction. In: Computers in industry 151, 103964.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]

7.  Ménard, M.-A., M. Morin, M. Khachan, J. Gaudreault, C.-G. Quimper (2023). “Learn, Compare, Search: One Sawmill’s Search for the Best Cutting Patterns Across And/or Trees”. Learning and Intelligent Optimization. Springer, pp.552–566.
  Paper: [ Springer] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Conference: [ LION 2023]

8.  Morin, M., I. Abi-Zeid, C.-G. Quimper (2023). Ant Colony Optimization for Path Planning in Search and Rescue Operations. In: European Journal of Operational Research 305(1), 53–63.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Supplementary material: [ MichaelMorin.info]

9.  Neumann, A., M. Rekik, M. Morin, A. Hajji, R. Pellerin (2023). “Ordonnancement dynamique et contrôle intelligent d’un robot industriel”. International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Quality (CIGI-Qualita23), International Conference on Modeling, Optimization and SIMulation (MOSIM 2023).
  Paper: [ UQTR] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ CIGI-Qualita23 MOSIM]

10.  Picherit, T., L.-P. Lampron, M. Morin, G. Caron-Guillemette, J. Gaudreault (2023). “Supervised recommendations of gas metal arc welding parameters”. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  Paper: [ CAIAC] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ CAIAC-23]

11.  Laperrière-Robillard, T., M. Morin, I. Abi-Zeid (2022). Supervised Learning for Maritime Search Operations: An Artificial Intelligence Approach to Search Efficiency Evaluation. In: Expert Systems with Applications 206.
  Paper: [ Elsevier]

12.  Sexton, J.-T., M. Morin, J. Gaudreault (2022). “Vine Copula-Based Data Generation for Machine Learning With an Application to Industrial Processes”. Neurips Workshop on Synthetic Data for Empowering ML Research (SyntheticData4ML). (workshop paper).
  Paper: [ OpenReview] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ SyntheticData4ML 2022]

13.  Sexton, J.-T., M. Morin, R. Georges, F. Abasian, J. Gaudreault (2022). “Automatic State Matching Gaussian Process Ensemble for Wood Planer Control”. 10th IFAC Conference on Manufacturing Modelling, Management and Control MIM 2022. Vol. 55. IFAC-PapersOnLine 10, pp.625–630.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]
  Conference: [ MIM 2022]

14.  Chabanet, S., P. Thomas, H. Bril El Haouzi, M. Morin, J. Gaudreault (2021). “A kNN approach based on ICP metrics for 3D scans matching: an application to the sawing process”. 17th IFAC Symposium on Information Control Problems in Manufacturing.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ HAL]
  Conference: [ INCOM 2021]

15.  Martineau, V., J. Gaudreault, M. Morin, S. Vallerand (2021). “Quality of sawmilling output predictions according to the size of the lot - The size matters!” International Conference on Industrial Engineering and Quality (CIGI-Qualita21).
  Paper: [ MichaelMorin.info] [ HAL]
  Conference: [ CIGI-Qualita21]

16.  Martineau, V., M. Morin, J. Gaudreault, P. Thomas, H. Bril El Haouzi (2021). “Neural Network Architectures and Feature Extraction for Lumber Production Prediction”. Proceedings of the Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence.
  Paper: [ CAIAC]
  Conference: [ CAIAC-21]

17.  Morin, M., J. Gaudreault, E. Brotherton, F. Paradis, A. Rolland, J. Wery, F. Laviolette (Apr. 2020). Machine Learning-Based Models of Sawmills for Better Wood Allocation Planning. In: International Journal of Production Economics 222.
  Paper: [ Elsevier] [ MichaelMorin.info (postprint)]

18.  Abi-Zeid, I., M. Morin, O. Nilo (2019). “Decision Support for Planning Maritime Search and Rescue Operations in Canada”. Proceedings of the 21st International Conference on Enterprise Information Systems (ICEIS). 12 p. (Winner of the Best Paper Award in the Area of Artificial Intelligence and Decision Support Systems at ICEIS 2019, best paper).
  Paper: [ Scitepress] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Conference: [ ICEIS 2019]

19.  Morin, M., M. P. Castro, K. E. C. Booth, T. T. Tran, C. Liu, J. C. Beck (2018). Intruder Alert! Optimization Models for Solving the Mobile Robot Graph-Clear Problem. In: Constraints 23(3), 335–354. (Winner of the Distinguished Paper Award at CPAIOR 2018, best paper).
  Paper: [ Springer]  [ TIDEL (postprint)]

20.  Morin, M., M. P. Castro, K. E. C. Booth, T. T. Tran, C. Liu, J. C. Beck (2018). “Intruder Alert! Optimization Models for Solving the Mobile Robot Graph-Clear Problem”. Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR). (extended abstract).
  Paper: [ michaelmorin.info] Please refer to the Constraints paper: [ Springer]  [ TIDEL (postprint)]
  Poster: [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Conference: [ CPAIOR 2018]

21.  Selma, C., H. Bril El Haouzi, P. Thomas, J. Gaudreault, M. Morin (2018). “An iterative closest point method for measuring the level of similarity of 3D log scans in wood industry”. Service Orientation in Holonic and Multi-Agent Manufacturing. Springer, pp.433–444.
  Paper: [ Springer] [ arxiv]

22.  Morin, M., I. Abi-Zeid, O. Nilo, C.-G. Quimper (2017). “Decision Support for Search and Rescue Response Planning”. Proceedings of the 14th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM). 12 p.
  Paper: [ IscramLive]  [ MichaelMorin.info]

23.  Morin, M., R. Thomopoulos, I. Abi-Zeid, M. Léger, F. Grondin, M. Pleau (2017). “Explaining the Results of an Optimization-Based Decision Support System A Machine Learning Approach”. The 12th International Conference Applied Mathematical Programming and Modelling APMOD 2016. Vol. 14. ITM Web of Conferences.
  Paper: [ itmconf] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

24.  Morin, M., F. Paradis, A. Rolland, J. Wery, J. Gaudreault, F. Laviolette (2015). “Machine Learning-Based Metamodels for Sawing Simulation”. Proceedings of the 2015 Winter Simulation Conference (WSC).
  Paper: [ Informs-Sim]  [ MichaelMorin.info]

25.  Simard, F., M. Morin, C.-G. Quimper, F. Laviolette, J. Desharnais (2015). “Bounding an Optimal Search Path with a Game of Cop and Robber on Graphs”. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), pp.403–418.
  Paper: [ Springer]  [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Poster: [ MichaelMorin.info]

26.  Morin, M., C.-G. Quimper (2014). “The Markov Transition Constraint”. Integration of AI and OR Techniques in Constraint Programming (CPAIOR), pp.405–421.
  Paper: [ Springer] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

27.  Simard, F., M. Morin, C.-G. Quimper, F. Laviolette, J. Desharnais (2014). “Relaxation of the optimal search path problem with the cop and robber game”. Doctoral Program of the 20th Conference on Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP). 7 p.
  Paper: [ MichaelMorin.info] 
  Supplementary material: [ MichaelMorin.info] 

28.  Morin, M., I. Abi-Zeid, T. T. Nguyen, L. Lamontagne, P. Maupin (2013). “Search and Surveillance in Emergency Situations A GIS based Approach to Construct Optimal Visibility Graphs”. Proceedings of the 10th International Conference on Information Systems for Crisis Response and Management (ISCRAM), pp.452–456.
  Paper: [ Iscram]  [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

29.  Morin, M., I. Abi-Zeid, Y. R. Petillot, C.-G. Quimper (2013). “A Hybrid Algorithm for Coverage Path Planning with Imperfect Sensors”. Proceedings of the IEEE/RSJ International Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems (IROS), pp.5988–5993.
  Paper: [ IEEE XPlore]  [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info: full presentation]  [ MichaelMorin.info: one slide summary]

30.  Morin, M., A. P. Papillon, F. Laviolette, I. Abi-Zeid, C.-G. Quimper (2012). “Constraint Programming for Path Planning with Uncertainty: Solving the Optimal Search Path Problem”. Principles and Practice of Constraint Programming (CP), pp.988–1003.
  Paper: [ Springer]  [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Poster: [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Code: [ source]

31.  Abi-Zeid, I., O. Nilo, S. Schvartz, M. Morin (2010). “Towards a Knowledge-Based System Prototype for Aeronautical Search and Rescue Operations”. Proceedings of the 13th International Conference on Information Fusion.
  Paper: [ IEEE Xplore] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

32.  Morin, M., L. Lamontagne, I. Abi-Zeid, P. Maupin (2010). “The Ant Search Algorithm: An Ant Colony Optimization Algorithm for the Optimal Searcher Path Problem with Visibility”. Advances in Artificial Intelligence: 23rd Canadian Conference on Artificial Intelligence, pp.196–207.
  Paper: [ Springer] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

33.  Morin, M., L. Lamontagne, I. Abi-Zeid, P. Lang, P. Maupin (2009). “The Optimal Searcher Path Problem with a Visibility Criterion in Discrete Time and Space”. Proceedings of the 12th International Conference on Information Fusion, pp.2217–2224.
  Paper: [ ISIF] [ IEEE XPlore] [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

Other publications

1.  Neumann, A., Y. Zghal, M. A. Cremona, A. Hajji, M. Morin, M. Rekik (2024). “A Data-Driven Personalized Approach to Predict Blood Glucose Levels in Type-1 Diabetes Patients Exercising in Free-Living Conditions”. Available on SSRN: https://dx.doi.org/10.2139/ssrn.4777350. (preprint).
  Paper: [ SSRN (preprint)]

2.  Beaudoin, D., J. Gaudreault, L. Lebel, M. Morin, M. Rönnqvisk, N. Lehoux, P. Giguère (2022). “Our future is here (Notre avenir est arrivé)”. Info-Forac. (editorial).
  Paper: [ FORAC]

3.  Abi-Zeid, I., O. Nilo, M. Morin (2020). Developing Search Optimization Methodologies for the Canadian Coast Guard Maritime Search and Rescue, Final Report. Tech. rep. Contract number: FP802-150046. The Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 76 p.

4.  Morin, M., J. Gaudreault (2020). “Configuring and Operating a Smart Sawmill (Configuration et pilotage d’une scierie intelligente)”. Info-Forac. (extended abstract).
  Paper: [ FORAC]

5.  Abi-Zeid, I., O. Nilo, M. Morin (2018). Developing Search Optimization Methodologies for the Canadian Coast Guard Maritime Search and Rescue, Detailed Methodology SAROptimizer ASPT. Tech. rep. Contract number FP802-150046. Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 102 p.

6.  Morin, M. (2017). “Anticipating Lumber Production for a Better Wood Allocation (Anticiper la production du sciage pour une meilleure allocation forêt-usine)”. Info-Forac. (extended abstract).
  Paper: [ FORAC]

7.  Abi-Zeid, I., O. Nilo, M. Morin (2016). Developing Search Optimization Methodologies for the Canadian, Final Requirement Specifications SAR Optimizer. Tech. rep. Contract number FP802-150046. Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 43 p.

8.  Abi-Zeid, I., O. Nilo, M. Morin (2016). Developing Search Optimization Methodologies for the Canadian, Preliminary Methodology for the Maritime ASPT software Coast Guard Maritime Search and Rescue. Tech. rep. Contract number FP802-150046. Canadian Coast Guard, Fisheries and Oceans Canada. 22 p.

9.  Morin, M. (2016). “Foreseeing the Products of Sawmilling (Prévoir les produits du sciage)”. Info-Forac. (extended abstract).
  Paper: [ FORAC]

10.  Morin, M. (2015). “Search and Coverage Path Planning”. PhD thesis. Québec, QC, Canada: Université Laval. 128 p.
  Thesis: [ MichaelMorin.info] [ ULaval]
  Supervisor: Claude-Guy Quimper [ homepage]
  Cosupervisor: Irène Abi-Zeid [ homepage]

11.  Morin, M. (2014). Generating Predictive Models from Advertisements. Tech. rep. MITACS Accelerate Application Reference IT04127. Cossette Média, Vision7 International. 151 p.

12.  Abi-Zeid, I., M. Morin, T. T. Nguyen (2011). “Vers une planification multicritère dans le cadre de missions de recherche et sauvetage terrestres”. 73rd Meeting of the European Working Group MCDA.
  Paper: [ MichaelMorin.info]

13.  Morin, M. (2010). “Introducing Multi-Criteria Path Planning with Terrain Visibility Constraints: The Optimal Searcher Path Problem with Visibility”. Proceedings of the XV ELAVIO. Pacoti, CE, Brazil. (extended abstract).
  Paper: [ MichaelMorin.info]
  Slides: [ MichaelMorin.info]

14.  Morin, M. (2010). “Multi-Criteria Path Planning with Terrain Visibility Constraints: The Optimal Searcher Path Problem with Visibility”. Mém. de maît. Québec, QC, Canada: Université Laval. 102 p.
  Thesis: [ MichaelMorin.info] [ ULaval]
  Supervisor: Luc Lamontagne [ homepage]
  Cosupervisor: Irène Abi-Zeid [ homepage]

15.  Morin, M., I. Abi-Zeid, L. Lamontagne (2010). An algorithm for the optimal search path with visibility problem. Tech. rep. MITACS, Contract number W7701-08-1871. Defence R&D Canada - Valcartier. 20 p.


Last update: November 23, 2024
© Michael Morin, 2008-2024